知味葡萄酒课程相关条款 TasteSpirit Wine Course Terms and Conditions


Please read the following terms and conditions of TS Wine Academy (abbreviated as ‘TS’):

1. 学员须正确填写并提交报名申请表至TS ,并确保申请表上提供的信息是真实而准确的,相关处需公司主管签名认可。为保证授课质量,我们严格控制每期名额,并按照先到先得原则以报名顺序录取。

Applications form needs to be correctly completed and submitted before it can be accepted and considered by TS. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the information provided is real and correct, and, where necessary, approved by the student’s employer. TS strictly regulates the size of the class, therefore correctly completed applications will be processed on a first-come-first-served basis.

2. 完整填写了学员申请表并不意味着报名已成功完成。只有当TS收到学员(或其单位)的全额付费后,所选课程才能被确认并允许取消。

Submitting the application does not necessarily mean a guaranteed place on any of our WSET courses. Until the full payment is received by TS can the student be allocated a place on the designated WSET course subject to the following cancellation policy.

3. 报名参加考试的同学需要提交更详细的个人信息(姓名/性别/出生日期/个人邮箱),此信息仅用于报名考试,TS不会将个人信息外泄或用于其他用途。个人信息提交给WSET之后,数据也会受到严格保护。

Students who sign up for the exam need to submit more detailed personal information (name / gender / date of birth / personal email). This information is only used to sign up for the exam, and TS will not disclose personal information or use it for other purposes. When personal information is submitted to WSET, the data is also strictly protected.

3. 课程取消规章:开学前提前三周取消所选课程,TS 可给予全额退款;开学两周前取消所选课程,TS 须扣除预订购买课程材料等相关业务处理费用,并给与所付全部学费50%的退款;开学一周前取消所选课程,TS不予退款。任何课程的取消通知以书面形式为准。

Cancellation policy: cancellation notice received up to 21 working days prior to the course start date is entitled to full refund. Cancellation received 14 days prior to the course start date is entitled to 50% of the refund once course-related administration costs have been covered (booking course materials, examination fee and any other related costs). Cancellation received 7 days prior to the course start date receives no refund whatsoever. Any application for cancellation must be done in writing.

4. 如果您由于疾病或紧急情况未能参加课程,TS会尽量安排下一期插班,但是我们并不能对此作出保证。如果您想取消课程请参考条款3。

If absence is unavoidable due to illness or unexpected emergencies, TS will endeavour to allocate the student a place in the next available designated course. However, TS is NOT liable to guarantee such a course rearrangement. The usual cancellation policy still applies.

5. TS WSET二级和三级课程仅能免费为学员延期一次,但需要提前两周向TS提出申请,如果两周内临时申请延期WSET二级或三级分别需要缴纳1000元和2000元作为相关业务的处理费用,从第二次延期开始每次延期也需要分别缴纳1000元和2000元。如果两周内申请延期1-2天课程则需要缴纳每天400元的费用,并自动顺延到下一次相应的课程。

On the condition that students applied to TS two weeks before starting the class, all students are allowed to defer the WSET Level 2 and WSET Level 3 class for only time freely,  or will be charged for ¥1,000 and ¥2,000 respectively corresponding to WSET Level 2 and Level 3 as the course-related administration costs. And the second time deferring will also charge ¥1,000 and ¥2,000 for WSET Level 2 and Level 3. Postponing individual attending day in 2 weeks will be charged ¥400 per day for altering arrangement costs. The postponed attending days would be reassigned to the upcoming WSET Level 2 and Level 3 hosted in the same day.

6. TS建议所有学员合理安排时间,确保履行工作职责的同时不会影响其参加所选课程的学习。

All students are advised to manage the time wisely and ensure that work commitments do not prevent them from attending the designated WSET course.

7. 如果公司付费,请参阅条款2,即我们只有在收到公司的全额付款后才会为您的员工安排指定课程。如果学生在开学前离开雇佣公司TS无责任退款给雇主。上述课程取消政策适用于任何情况。

If a student is employer-funded, clause 2 above applies, i.e. a seat will only be allocated once TS has received FULL payment for the designated course. If the student ceases employment with his/her employer prior to the course, TS is in no way liable to refund the employer that funds the course. The above cancellation policy applies in all cases.

8. 如果没有足够学生或其他原因,TS保留取消或延迟任何课程及考试的权利。

TS reserves the right to cancel or postpone any course or examination if there are insufficient numbers of students or for any other reason.

9. 只要有任何疑问,都可以添加客服“知味-诗南”的个人微信号“ZW01701728” ,联系答疑解惑,或者直接拨打咨询热线:021-62360991

If you have any questions, you can add the personal wechat “zw01701728” of customer service “Zhiwei Sinan” to contact the FAQ or directly call the hotline: 021-62360991.


