伊安·达加塔(Ian D’Agata),世界顶级葡萄酒专家和评论家之一,作为知味葡萄酒首席科学家和赏源葡萄酒评论主编,除了意大利所有产区,还将负责全球醉畅销由休·约翰逊主编的葡萄酒指南《葡萄酒随身宝典》(Pocket Wine Book)新版的法国阿尔萨斯产区部分。该指南已在全球售出超过1200万册,45个版本。在过去的20年里,达加塔大师每年都会用一到两个月的时间访问阿尔萨斯产区,并撰写相关产区与酒庄的文章,被公认是世界顶尖的阿尔萨斯葡萄酒专家。在过去的六年里,伊安·达加塔已经负责了该指南的意大利部分,阿尔萨斯部分将是新的挑战和荣誉。
TasteSpirit Chief Scientific Officer and TerroirSense Wine Review Editor-in-Chief Ian D’Agata, one of the world’s top dozen wine experts and critics, has been put in charge of the wines of Alsace section of the world’s best selling wine guide, Hugh Johnson’s Pocket Wine Book. The guide has sold more than 12 Million copies worldwide and 45 editions. D’Agata has been visiting and writing about Alsace and it’s wineries for one to two months a year for the past twenty years, and is generally considered to be the world’s top English-language Alsace wine expert. Already in charge of the Italy section of the guide for the past six years, Ian D’Agata has written the Alsace chapter as well for this year’s edition of the Hugh Johnson Pocket Wine Book.
“Needless to say I am very proud and happy about this honour. I have been drinking Alsace wines regularly since my teens and know all the producers there very well, have guided over a hundred masterclasses on Alsace wines over the years and regularly feature then in the courses of the TerroirSense Wine Academy that I direct and an President of here in Shanghai. I am very grateful that Hugh Johnson, Margaret Rand, and their team have asked me to take over this prestigious assignment, and I will do my best not just for the guide but also to showcase and highlight all that is great about Alsace’s wines, its great people, and amazing diversity of terroirs”.
Ian D’ Agata
伊安·达加塔(Ian D’Agata),世界著名酒评家,赏源葡萄酒评论和知味葡萄酒首席科学家,在葡萄酒领域耕耘超过30年。与帕克,JR等评论家并列,Ian曾被欧洲权威金羽毛奖Plume d’Or评委会评为世界八大醉有影响力的葡萄酒评论家之一,曾担任世界著名葡萄酒评论Vinous和Tanzer的高级编辑,Decanter特约编辑,负责法国、意大利、加拿大和德国等重要葡萄酒产区的评分和评论工作,他曾在纽约大学食品科学硕士专业教授葡萄酒和食品课程十年、在新墨西哥大学担任酿酒学研究教授三年,曾任罗马国际葡萄酒学院院长,该学院由Steven Spurrier担任主席。Ian参与合著Hugh Johnson主编的《Pocket wine book》一书,是世界畅销的葡萄酒书籍,另外著有《意大利葡萄酒风土》和《意大利原生葡萄品种》等专著,被誉为是意大利葡萄酒的圣经,后者获得了2015年国际葡萄酒作家大奖赛年度醉佳书籍奖,并且也是洛杉矶时报、金融时报、纽约时报评选出的醉佳葡萄酒书籍之一。Ian是罗马大学医学生物学博士(Top1),曾在哈佛大学医学院和加拿大蒙特利尔大学做博士后研究,主攻分子细胞生物学前沿课题。