知味之选,高贵不贵:智利柯诺苏酒庄 Cono Sur 黑比诺红葡萄酒 2011

知味之选,高贵不贵:作为智利重要的葡萄酒出口商,柯诺苏酒庄(Cono Sur)也被人称为“自行车”酒庄,亲切的称呼背后,即体现了酒庄对自然的追求,也因为其令人称赞的性价比。

柯诺苏酒庄黑比诺红葡萄酒 2011
Cono Sur Pinot Noir 2011


科诺苏酒庄由智力名家干露酒庄(Concha y Toro)于1993年创立,目前是一家独立酒庄。他们葡萄园中栽种的黑皮诺全部移栽自法国勃艮第地区,但酿酒风格则是在积极探索智利的风格特征,在名噪一时的漫画《神之水滴》里也有登场,并且因为绝高的性价比备受好评。关于科诺苏酒庄,还有一个趣闻,这家酒庄不仅积极采用有机种植工艺,而且从庄主到工人都选择“绿色的”骑自行车上下班,所以干脆在全部系列的酒标上都有个自行车图案。


Cono Sur was founded by the most famous Chile winery Concha y Toro in 1993, now it’s an independent company. All the vines of Pinot Noir they use today are transplanted from Bourgogne, but the style of winemaking, on the other hand, is classically Chilean. This winery is also called the “bicycle estate” by the wine lovers, as each wine of this winery has a label with bicycle on it, which shows not only their encouragement of bicycles riding but also shows their attitude of biodynamic farming.

Pure ruby color with vigorous aroma of red fruits, the melting sweetness of ripe fruits make you feel like to chat with an innocent and vigorous girl, but still can’t hide the smooth texture. You can match it with all kinds of delicacy, spiced meat, lambs or seafood stew will be perfect.



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