
Dong Li, Senior Editor and Columnist of Taste Spirit in America. Advanced level of International Sommelier Guild. He lived and worked in the United States for decades, ran into the wine while attending MBA program in France. Although never being a serious drinker of any kind, Dong inescapably fell in love with the taste and started his journey in the world of wine. He has been traveling throughout major wine regions in the world in search of Bacchus. Dong holds an Master of Business Administration from INSEAD. 李东,知味驻美洲资深编辑,专栏作家。国际侍酒师协会(International Sommelier Guild)高级。旅居美国十余年,从事生物医药行业。在法国MBA深造时与葡萄酒结缘。虽未曾有过剧饮千杯的豪情,然而向来痴,从此醉,徜徉于美酒间,足迹遍布欧美各大葡萄酒产区。 李东拥有INSEAD商学院MBA学位。