赏源·知味风土研究院和米其林三星Da Vittorio餐厅很高兴宣布一项合作,旨在帮助富有才华、对工作充满热情并积极投入的年轻葡萄酒专业人士,在选择职业的道路上取得进步。
在赏源·知味风土研究院开办的意大利伟大风土葡萄酒高级认证课程(GTW 3 IT)中成绩前三名的毕业生,将有机会在2019年开业的上海著名米其林二星餐厅进行深造。候选人需通过高级认证考试,并通过Da Vittorio上海面试,将有机会在Da Vittorio上海进行为期至少一个月的实践和学习。如果该阶段进展顺利,还有可能被正式聘用。
更激动人心的是,在国际旅行开放后,学员还有机会直接在意大利布鲁萨波尔托的三星Da Vittorio延长实习经历。年轻的中国葡萄酒专业人士将从意大利实地学习的经验中受益良多。
Ian D’Agata,赏源·知味风土研究院院长说道:”二十多年以来,在横跨三大洲的葡萄酒教育岁月中,我发现,严肃的学术教育机构和高品质专业工作场所之间的合作,对于在年轻的葡萄酒人和美食家中推广真正的风土文化是非常有必要的。学院的考试无疑是困难的,以帮助我们的学生在葡萄酒理论和实践方面做好充分的准备,但在Da Vittorio这样世界级的餐饮机构实践体验,更能进一步丰富那些选择以葡萄酒作为终身事业的年轻专业人士的经验。如此一来,我们将携手打造新一代更具专业水平的优秀侍酒师和餐厅经理。
赏源·知味风土研究院很荣幸能与Da Vittorio上海开展合作,该餐厅是世界上最棒的餐厅之一,在提供意大利品质美食、葡萄酒和服务领域树立了标杆。
Da Vittorio上海餐厅经理Enrico Guarnieri补充道:”当我与Da Vittorio的总经理Rossella Cerea谈及这个新项目时,她强调Da Vittorio家族很高兴成为这一完美合作项目的伙伴,这将对新生代有才华的学员进入餐饮管理世界有所帮助。我们的侍酒师将在日常工作中对这些最具天赋的学生悉心指导,传授他们关于这份神奇工作的所有秘密,帮助他们夯实基础,并开启漫长而辉煌的职业生涯”。
Da Vittorio是一家历史悠久的意大利餐厅,由维托里奥·切雷阿(Vittorio Cerea) 和他的妻子布鲁娜(Bruna)于1966年在美丽的贝加莫市创建(后来搬到了布鲁萨波尔图)。普遍认为,它是世界上最好的餐厅之一,在1978年获得了第一颗米其林星星,1996年第二颗,2010年获得第三颗。2012年,Da Vittorio St. Moritz在阿尔卑斯山镇的卡尔顿酒店开业(仅两年后就获得了米其林一星,并于2020年获得米其林二星)。而Da Vittorio上海是切雷阿家族在欧洲以外创立的第一家餐厅,于2019年开业,并在2019年和2020年接连拿下米其林一星和二星。接下来,Da Vittorio小酒馆正筹备于2021年11月在上海开业。Da Vittorio的美食由行政主厨Enrico (Chicco)和Roberto (Bobo) Cerea创造,以 “经典番茄意面(Paccheri alla Vittorio) “和 “鱼子酱蛋挞(Uovo all’Uovo) “等著名菜肴为特色,体现了 “伦巴第传统和天才创造性”的家族座右铭。
Da Vittorio上海的优秀团队由主厨Stefano Bacchelli、副厨师长Leonardo Zambrino和面包总厨Frederic Jaros组成,另外还有总经理Levi Fu、餐厅经理Enrico Guarnieri、侍者总管Peter Tian & Gabriel Somma、前台经理Anna Rota、酒吧经理Fabio Sajeva和侍酒师Emanuele Restelli,Declan Tang以及其他所有员工。
TasteSpirit’s TerroirSense Wine Academy and Da Vittorio Ristorante Shanghai are pleased to announce a collaboration designed to help talented young wine professionals who are both passionate and committed to their craft advance in their chosen career paths.
The top three graduates of the TerroirSense Wine Academy’s Great Terroir Wines Advanced level (GTW 3 IT) course on Italian Wines will have the opportunity to do a stage at the prestigious two Michelin star restaurant established in Shanghai in 2019. Candidates will have to pass the Advanced level exam and hold an interview with the Da Vittorio staff, and if deemed suitable by the Da Vittorio staff, the candidate will be offered a one-month long learning/study stage at Da Vittorio Shanghai with the understanding that should the stage go well, the possibility for employment will be made available. Very interestingly, the collaboration also includes the option of complementing the stage/internship directly in Italy, at Da Vittorio in Brusaporto, so that young Chinese wine professionals may benefit from on the ground learning options directly in Italy.
Ian D’Agata, TerroirSense Wine Academy president, said that “In the now over twenty years that I have been involved in wine education in three different continents, I have always believed that collaborations between serious academic teaching institutions and high-quality professional workplaces are absolutely necessary to promote a true culture of terroir amongst the younger wine and food set. The exams at the Academy are undoubtedly difficult and our students emerge well-prepared in both wine theory and practice, but an experience at a world class dining institution such as Da Vittorio can only further enrich the wine experience for young professionals who have chosen to make wine their life’s work. In so doing, we help create a much better prepared and more knowledgeable generation of sommeliers and restaurant managers. We at the TerroirSense Wine Academy are both honoured and happy to have begun this collaboration with Da Vittorio Shanghai, one of the world’s best restaurants and a benchmark relative to quality Italian food, wine and service. The same collaboration is planned for students of our Advanced level courses on the wines of Burgundy and on the wines of France with similarly world-famous, starred restaurants in France”.
Adds Enrico Guarnieri, Da Vittorio Shanghai group AGM & restaurant GM: “When I spoke about this new project with our Da Vittorio General Manager Rossella Cerea, she underscored how the Da Vittorio family is glad to be a partner of this beautiful collaboration which will help new talented students to enter in the hospitality world. Our sommeliers will follow the most talented students daily during the operations, teaching them all the secrets of this amazing job in order to build solid foundations that will help them throughout their long and brilliant carrier”.
The original Da Vittorio is an historic Italian restaurant founded in 1966 in the beautiful city of Bergamo by Vittorio Cerea and his wife Bruna (and later moved to Brusaporto). Generally considered to be one of the world’s best restaurants, it was awarded its first Michelin in 1978, a second in 1996, and the third in 2010. In 2012 Da Vittorio St. Moritz opened in the alpine town’s Carlton hotel (gaining its first Michelin star just two years later and a second star in 2020), while Da Vittorio Shanghai, the Cerea family’s first restaurant outside Europe, opened in 2019 (and earning back-to-back Michelin stars, a first in 2019 and the second in 2020). Next up is the Da Vittorio bistro opening in Shanghai in November 2021. Da Vittorio’s cuisine created by Executive Chefs Enrico (Chicco) and Roberto (Bobo) Cerea, featuring famous dishes such as “Paccheri alla Vittorio” or “Uovo all’Uovo” embody the concept of “Lombard tradition and creative genius” (the family motto).
The talented staff in place at Shanghai is composed of chef Stefano Bacchelli, sous chef Leonardo Zambrino and pastry chef Frederic Jaros, plus general manager Levi Fu, group AGM & restaurant GM Enrico Guarnieri, restaurant manager Peter Tian & Gabriel Somma, reception manager Anna Rota, bar manager Fabio Sajeva and sommeliers Emanuele Restelli & Declan Tang and all the staff.
TasteSpirit is China’s leading wine media and education entity, a cultural company one of the fundamental missions of which is the broadcasting and forwarding a culture of terroir in wine and all foodstuffs. Founded in 2010, TasteSpirit has grown over the years and now offers wine and food lovers a Chinese language website with twelve million private users, a product sales platform, organizes the annual China Wine Summit as well as the International Terroir Renaissance Symposium, private wine tastings and diners, and has created a private wine members club. In 2020, it launched a new international wine and food magazine (available in both English and Chinese languages), the TerroirSense Wine Review and a new wine school, the TerroirSense Wine Academy, that offers state of the art courses on the wines of the world as well as very specific academic study tracks, programs devoted specifically to the wines of France, Italy and Burgundy, while creating a new wine tasting model based on a terroir-centric approach. It is the definitive wine school for all wine professionals and winelovers looking to improve their career options and wine knowledge.