蚝湾梅洛红葡萄酒 2009
Oyster Bay Merlot 2009
位于新西兰马尔堡地区(Marlborough)的蚝湾酒庄是葡萄酒界凭“处女作”走红的为数不多的酒庄之一。在1999年第22届伦敦“国际葡萄酒与烈酒竞赛(International Wine & Spirit Competition)”中,该酒庄的第一个年份的长相思葡萄即获得“年度长相思葡萄酒”的称号。该酒庄的名字来源于所在产区内的蚝湾(Oyster Bay)。该酒庄采用世界上最先进的酿酒设备,对酿酒过程精益求精。此外,酒庄的外形也非常有特色,带有弯曲并分层的屋顶,这使蚝湾酒庄即使在炎热的夏季也能有一个非常凉爽的酿酒环境。
The Oyster Bay located in Marlborough is one of the few wineries who get famous by its first time making wine. In 1999, the 22rd London International Wine & Spirit Competition, its first vintage of Sauvignon Blanc won the awards of“Sauvignon Blanc of Year”. Today, the winery use modern wine making techniques to constantly pursuit of excellence.
With deep color appearance, the wine shows a ripe, sweet plum and neat smoky style on the nose. The taste is very outstanding juicy and fruity body harmony with the elegant tannin. You can match it with all kinds of meat, especially dishes with some sweet spicies.